Experience Dentons - Virtual Work Experience Programme

  • Employer Dentons
  • Sector Law
  • Level Other Employment Opportunity
  • Location/s Virtual
  • Date Posted 28/09/2023
  • Closing Date 01/05/2025
  • Employment Part Time
  • Hours 1.00
  • Wages Competitive

Please note: You will need to register for an account to apply for a role.


Experience Dentons is an innovative new virtual work experience program, designed to give you an insight into life as a commercial solicitor at the world’s largest law firm.


Experience Dentons starts by providing an introduction to law, the commercial world and to Dentons as a firm. Then, as you progress through the program, you will complete work related to each key practice area, honing both your technical and commercial skills. By the end of Experience Dentons you will have completed a range of meaningful activities, gained insight to insider information from Dentons, which will help boost your LinkedIn profile and CV.

This could be the start of something much bigger.

About Dentons

Dentons is the world's largest law firm, connecting talent to the world's challenges and opportunities in more than 75 countries. Dentons' legal and business solutions benefit from deep roots in our communities and award-winning advancements in client service, including Nextlaw, Dentons’ innovation and strategic advisory services. Dentons' polycentric and purpose-driven approach, commitment to inclusion and diversity, and world-class talent challenge the status quo to advance client and community interests in the New Dynamic.

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Other Information

By completing the program you will:

Unlock a wealth of information about a career in commercial law, to help spark your knowledge of the industry.

Gain an insider understanding of the role of a commercial lawyer at Dentons.

Discover the resources and information required to make your journey into law successful.

Build practical skills including: Research, Drafting, Commercial Awareness and Client Communication.

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